It's only been a few weeks and already Edinburgh feels like some weird fever-dream involving cars running on blood, Sean Connery's tattoos and Abu Ghraib photos.
Things have been moving on with the film since the festival - on the day after the second screening (and with a fearsome hangover) I took the train down to London to attend a screening of the film for Sales Agents and Distributors (I went back to Nottingham the same night, very dazed and smelling like a man who has been on hot, crowded trains for nearly 7 hours). We had a good turn-out and it seemed to go down well, resulting in a couple of immediate offers and some requests for copies of the film for further deliberation. Since then, Lisa has been fielding all the interest that we've had, and hopefully we should have some deals sorted out in the next couple of weeks...
I also got back to find that the 'Mum and Dad' trailer and info about the film had suddenly started appearing on loads of American horror sites, as well as on sites in Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Lithuania, which was a very weird sensation - it was like the box had now been opened and suddenly everything was exposed to the air.
The film is also going to be showing at another couple of festivals. It's been selected for the German Fantasy Filmfest next month, which plays across eight German cities over 12 August - 10 September, and on 22 August it's going to be playing at FrightFest at the Odeon West End in Leicester Square in London, which I'm really looking forward to.
While everything's kicking off with 'M&D', I'm still scrabbling away, trying to get some more projects off the ground. I've re-outlined 'Empire of Flesh', started trying to put together a basic set-up for 'Katie Cruel', as well as running up a brand new outline for a kind-of-slasher-film called 'Red City', for which I've cannibalised an old idea and mutated it into a new one. (Or rehashed an old script, however you want to put it...) I really want to get moving on something soon - it's been well over a year since we shot 'M&D' and I'm worried that I'll forget what to do...
Da Doo Meow Meow
Okay yes, I know that technically today should be Chilling Classics
Cthursday but Your Honor, circumstances compelled me to move in a different
1 week ago
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