Sunday, June 01, 2008

I think I'll just act bored instead/And contain the blood I would've shed*

With less than three weeks to go now until the 'Mum & Dad' premiere in Edinburgh, I'm starting to get more excited/nervous about the whole thing. This week, in the midst of finalising our poster design (which seems to have taken ages, but finally seems to be signed off) I got hold of a copy of 'Shivers' magazine

which features

(As an aside, I have to say, I bloody love werewolves (y'know, as a kind of mythical/horror fiction thing, rather than in a kind of My Car is My Lover way), so it's great to have the film's name and mine seemingly spilling out of a Wolfman's fanged jaws...)

The magazine features a five-page spread on the film, complete with a great selection of photos

The article's written by Alan Jones, who came to the set on the last day of the shoot. I remember talking to him in the 'Green Man' pub, just across the road from the field where we were shooting the end of the film. It had been a boiling hot day (so much so that I ended up with a bright red sunburnt nose, always a great accessory when you're trying to direct an intensely violent scene), and I'd spent about 8 hours in a field full of horses, horseshit and horse-created deep mud furrows which threatened to turn all our ankles as cast and crew repeatedly ran across them, so I was feeling a bit weird anyway - a mixture of utterly exhausted, manically wired, slightly sunstricken, soul-hollowingly anxious and borderline euphoric - which meant that sitting down and talking sense about the whole film was going to be a tall order, but I think it turned out okay. (And I think Alan did a great job of stringing my unwieldy thoughts into a cohesive order). The article does feature me uttering the phrases 'repulsive perversion', 'a power drill pounding the brain' and 'genitalia stapling', all of which should give the casual reader a good enough vision of the film., I hope...

*possibly quite arcane musical reference explained here


potdoll said...

congrats on your five page spread! I tried to follow the link to Shivers Magazine but it wouldn't work. Can you buy it in normal shops?

Steven Sheil said...

Cheers potdoll. Sorry, yeah, dodgy link - fixed it now. You can buy the magazine in normal shops (although apparently not anywhere in Nottingham...). Borders do it, and Virgin in London. See if Pawlik can pick up a copy, maybe...